Homily on Luke 11:29-32, Faith without Signs, (Wednesday the 12th of March 2025)


Praise be to Jesus Christ

Once, a person was passing through village on a hot summer day.  He could not bear the heat, and he was thirsty, hungry, and tired. Unexpectedly, he saw a well in the distance. He ran toward it with great delight, but when he reached, he saw a notice that read, “Do not dig. The water is already here.” Nevertheless, the man did not pay attention to the sign and overlooked the sign.  He began to dig with a spade that was kept there, but he could find nothing. Finally, tired and desperate, he collapsed next to the well. When he looked again, he saw a small mug filled with water right near him. The water was there all along, but in his obstinacy, he had refused to find it.

 Jesus speaks about a generation that is always looking for signs in today’s Gospel. They had the best and the greatest sign just in front of them; Jesus Himself, nevertheless, they fail to   believe in him.  Just like the man in the wilderness, they were seeking; however, they were not ready to accept the reality that was rightly before them.

Jesus said, “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign.” But do we think that He was speaking only about His time?  Is it not to our generation also?  Just observe at our generation.  Enough and more signs have been received by us. We have the Word of God, we have the real and true presence of Jesus in the Most holy Eucharist, we have the teachings of the Church, we have the lives and teachings of saints, and yet, we still want signs.  We pray for miracles, but we ignore the greatest miracle: The God’s real presence in our daily lives.

Saint John of the Cross said, “Faith is not about feeling; it is about trusting.”  Our holy blessed mother Mary did not seek any signs. She plainly said, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Her faith was based on total trust in God not on miracles.

 Just think, if Jesus were to speak to us today, what would He say? Would He say that our generation is faithful and loving generation? Or will He say, our generation is also evil generation?

Let us try not be like those who demand signs but do not accept the truth. Let us open our hearts to God, believe in His real presence in the Eucharist, and trust in His boundless love.

Let us Pray:

Oh! Lord Jesus Christ give us the grace to understand Your presence in our day today lives and to believe in you without seeing any signs. Amen.


2 thoughts on “Homily on Luke 11:29-32, Faith without Signs, (Wednesday the 12th of March 2025)”

  1. Thank u for reminding to go beyomd the signs and travel towards the destination… Homily also helped us to understand deeper meanings beyond the peripheral things


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